Carinya Home Board Opportunities

Carinya Home for the Aged is seeking Expressions of Interest from interested members of the community who have a commitment to, and a sensitivity for the elderly. If you have a background, experience and / or qualifications in areas such as small business, health services, aged care, corporate management, law, building and construction, finance / banking, WHS, or experience in governance, this is an opportunity worth considering.

If this sounds like you, please download, complete and submit our Expression of Interest Form or
email with any queries.

Expressions of Interest Form


What is the role of the Board (for Carinya Home For The Aged)?

The Board of Carinya is responsible for providing oversight for Carinya Home For The Aged and ensures the delivery of safe and quality care and services. The Board should be skilled, capable and independent. The Board should be active in ensuring accountability for the quality of care delivered by Carinya Home For The Aged to its consumers (residents) . “Effective governing bodies lead and set the culture of an organisation to ensure older Australians get the highest quality aged care”. (Royal Commission into Aged Care 2020). The Aged Care Act and the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Act have been amended to strengthen the governance arrangements of approved providers. Specific changes that have been outcomes of the Royal Commission have focused on improving leadership and culture and increasing transparency and accountability within Aged Care.

The role of Governance

“Governance encompasses the system by which an organisation is controlled and operates, and the mechanisms by which it, and its people, are held to account. Ethics, risk management, compliance and administration are all elements of governance”. (Australian Institute of Governance, 2020).

Directors on the Carinya Board act in a governance capacity, and as such are not involved in the daily activities of Carinya. The ‘operational’ or daily management of Carinya is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who coordinates and manages the senior management and staff of Carinya. Members of the Tablelands community, residents or family members may require specific information, make compliments or express grievances to Directors. Directors encourage family and community members to discuss aspects of operations with the CEO.

How many Directors are currently on the Board?

In recent years the Board has tried to maintain 9 to 10 Directors who as a combined group aim to have the required skills to provide appropriate governance for Carinya Home For The Aged. The Board employs the CEO of Carinya to provide excellent care for the residents of Carinya.

What are the responsibilities of each Director?

Directors are required abide by the laws and guidelines of Constitution for Directors of Carinya Home For The Aged (2016). The significant responsibilities include attendance at monthly meetings, engaging openly and honestly and always acting in the best interests of Carinya and its residents.

Directors are expected to engage in meetings in an appropriate manner, maintaining confidentiality and ensuring to disclose any perceived conflicts of interest. Directors once appointed are expected have a Directors ID number and current national criminal check.

Are Directors of Carinya Board paid for their services?

Directors of the Board act in a voluntary capacity.

Are Directors insured?

Carinya Home for the Aged holds specific insurance for Directors and Officers and a copy of the current policy is provided to Directors when appointed.

When are Board Meetings held?

Board Meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month from February to December. Usually, meetings commence at 5.30pm and conclude at or around 7.00pm. Agendas for meetings are made available to Directors in the week prior the monthly meeting.

Are there other responsibilities of Directors?

Depending upon individual Directors expertise, skills and interests, most Directors are on at least one of the following commitees:

  • Clinical Governance Commitee
  • Finance and Audit Commitee
  • Building Commitee
  • Governance Commitee
  • CEO Recruitment Review and Remuneration Commitee.

Each of these commitees has a role associated to its naming. Commitees meet monthly (or as required) to discuss specific issues relevant to their role. Commitees make reports and sometimes make recommendations for consideration by the Board.

Commitees do not make decisions on behalf of the Board. Commitees generally meet for around 60 minutes each month. Note: A small number of directors may not be available for commitee membership due to their personal or work commitments.

What areas of expertise are required on the Carinya Board?

Because the Board provides Governance for and assists in maintaining the overall wellbeing of Carinya Home For The Aged, a number of areas of expertise are required on the Board to fulfil the responsibilities for Board Governance.

As a body, the Board is required to have Directors who collectively have experience in either Banking / Finance, Health / Medical, Corporate Management, Building / Construction, Legal, Aged Care, Small Business, and Occupational Health and Safety.

No one Director has expertise in all the above, however, collectively and collaboratively in working together provide Governance to the areas of compliance required. At different times the Carinya Board will seek Directors experienced in some of the above areas.

A commitment to meeting the needs of the elderly and providing the best for the residents of Carinya is essential.

Are There Other Commitments expected of Directors?

There is an annual ‘Inservice Day’ often held on a Saturday early in the year (March – May). This day is often utilized for strategic planning or for the professional development of Directors. This day will often focus on significant developments or changes in aged care or focus on aspects of governance.

This annual activity often runs from 9am-4pm on a day negotiated with Directors.

Downloadable Documents Relating to Board Opportunities

We are proud of Carinya Home

Our residents form the heart of the Carinya community. All we do is centered around their comfort and care. Our place is where loved ones are welcomed and residents enjoy all of life’s possibilities. Welcome to Carinya Home.

© Carinya Home 2024

Website created by RJ New Designs