18/03 COVID-19 Information Update


Hello Carinya Community

In light of revised guidelines following the Prime Ministers address this morning, please note the following is now in effect at Carinya:

Visitors and staff who satisfy any ONE of the below will not be able to attend the Home:
• Overseas travel within the past 14 days.
• Contact with a person who is COVID-19 positive.
• People with fever or symptoms of acute respiratory infection (please contact your doctor).

Guidelines for visiting the Home:
• Visits to be of short duration (between 15-20 minutes).
• Maximum of 2 visitors at one time per day – these can be immediate social supports, family members, close friends or professional service or advocacy workers.
• Visits should be conducted in residents’ rooms, outdoors or in other suitable areas such as Cedar and Maple lounges, Lounge areas in ECL and KWL. Not communal areas please.
• Social distancing of 1.5 metres, keeping apart to minimise the risk of transmission.
• No school or community groups are permitted to visit.
• Children aged 16 years or less to visit by exception of the RN on duty (a phone call prior to visiting would be the ideal).

Please note that restrictions will be made from May for visitors and staff who have not received this years flu vaccine. This is a directive from the Dept of Health and will be enforced to further protect our residents and staff. Please ensure you book a flu vaccine as soon as it becomes available (mid April at this stage)

This advice is drawn from the Prime Ministers address this morning and the below source:

Thank you again for working with the Home during these rapidly changing and unpredictable times.

David Osborne
Chief Executive Officer

We are proud of Carinya Home

Our residents form the heart of the Carinya community. All we do is centered around their comfort and care. Our place is where loved ones are welcomed and residents enjoy all of life’s possibilities. Welcome to Carinya Home.

© Carinya Home 2024

Website created by RJ New Designs